Egenti is comprised of a committee of successful business people much like our clients.  We understand the challenges of business growth and we know how long it can take to get funded.  We work to allow you to respond quickly to changing business conditions and to help keep you competitive in the marketplace.  We specialize in brands that work with franchisees and small business owners to duplicate the success of the master business. 

Our process is very simple.  You make a small application and one of our key people will reach out to you and discuss the business model and plan.  If it is a start-up or proprietary, then we complete a joint non-disclosure to better understand.  We enjoy meeting our future clients and once girthed with the information we decide quickly. 

Our committee meets regularly, and your contact will represent your business request for you.  The results can be rewarding but not everyone is approved.  We are not interested in owning a part of your business and will not suggest financial plans that are high risk to you or for us.  However, once a relationship is established we can help you in many ways.

We are kind of like a friendly think tank that, if motivated by reason, may help you realize your dream and meet your future needs.

Large or small, lets talk.